Campaign URL Builder Tool

Fill in the required fields (marked with *) below, and click the "Create Tracking URL" button.

Copy, and paste generated campaign URL

You can copy, and paste it into your Google campaigns, Email, Facebook advertising, tweets, posts or much more.

How it Works?
Campaign URL Builder Tool allows you to easily add UTM tracking code to your URL.
And it helps to track campaigns in Google Analytics.
Campaign URL Builder FAQs
To learn more about the tool, read FAQs, and their detailed answers.


    utm_source to identify a source
    Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsLetter, LinkedIn.


    utm_medium to identify a medium
    Remarketing, Text Ads, Email, Banner, Post, Tweet.


    utm_campaign to identify a campaign name
    July-webinar, WinterSale, Blog Post Name, PaidAds-Cakes.


    utm_term to track the search term e.g when you are track specific keyword, and see which was most effective for leads or traffics.
    cakes delivery, order cake online, flower delivery, buy gifts online.


    utm_content to differentiate ads copy e.g when you are testing multiple ads copy, and see which was most effective for leads.
    cakes delivery in Noida, cakes delivery in Shimla, cakes delivery in Dehradun

Campaign URL builder tool allows you to track advertising, social media, email or any other online marketing effort separately in Google Analytics.

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